That's what Ashley Anne Kirilow a Burlington native did, she planned a scam, which would involved the community around her, and she publicly spread her unfortunate story on social media, such as Facebook and Myspace.
On her Facebook fanpage, she stated that, she has been battling various type of cancer for years alone, since she claimed that her parents are already dead.
This eventually, granted her cash money, and it is reported that she had her dream wedding with her boyfriend, and goes to their dream honeymoon.
It turns out that she doesn't have a cancer after all, she is reported fit and healthy, also both of her parents are still alive and well. The truth is she shaved her head and eyebrows, plucked her eyelashes and starved herself to look like a chemotherapy patient. She told anyone she met she had been disowned by drug-addicted parents, or that they were dead.
Ashley picture leaving a courthouse |
After being hunt down, Ashley Anne Kirilow doesn't want to be interviewed. And since this day she is rarely seen going out on public.
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