Check out a few of these amazing street drummer recorded on tape which then uploaded to YouTube. Eventually the video of their performance has caught a lot of attention among the Net-citizen.
just by using household items such as buckets, empty tin and plastic container, They create amazing beats.
Location : Quincy Market, Boston.
The drummer in this video is Joshua Rodriguez. He is extremely talented with music. If you're looking to book him for party's, weddings, private events, etc, please email, Filmed in Quincy Market, Boston.
Location : London Eye
Phill Bondy, performing near London eye, under the bridge. Awesome street drummer, as mention in he is the Lebron James of street drumming.
Location : Ottawa
His name is Richard Baxter, he is a street performer from canada, this video was recorded during one of his performance in Ottawa during the Canada Day. And just for justification, he is not homeless, he is a professional drummer.
Location : London
His name is Joe Bucket, usually seen performing on the street of London.