Monday, November 12, 2012

Weird : A women give birth to hundreds of Pearls stones

3rd Oct 2011, Hartina, A women from Kabupaten Takalar, South Sulawesi, who is expecting to deliver her baby was in a state of shock when she found out that her baby were reported missing, and was replaced by hundred of Pearl stones.

9 month had passed, it is time to deliver her baby, but instead of delivering a baby, hundreds of pearl stones comes out of her vagina.

During her interview with Indonesia local newspaper, she still coudnt believe the fact that her baby were suddenly replaced by hundreds of pearl stones.

The women were confirmed pregnant as claimed by one of her neighbor, Asmawati Daeng Ngenang.

She and her husband Daeng Tawang were devastated, knowing that they wont have their baby.

A news covering the weird story : 


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